Wednesday, October 21, 2009

sentimental post for posterity.

...when it comes to the topic of my own artwork, I'm pretty sensitive (as I think most artists are). So bear with the more serious-ish post. I swear normally I don't take myself this seriously :).

I've been doing a series of ink drawings inspired by molecular structures and also by jellyfish. Jellyfish always interested me because they're almost like giant amoebas. Their tentacles remind me of flagella/cilia so I suppose they are related... Ever since graduating, I've had a hard time actually producing work that I've been happy with. I've recently discovered the source of my artist block was being too anal. So this series is a study in being like a jellyfish; propelling myself just a little bit at a time but mostly letting the sea taking me where it will. Completely appropriate given my lifelong affinity with the ocean.

"Why did they make birds so delicate and fine as those sea swallows when the ocean can be so cruel? She is kind and very beautiful. But she can be so cruel and it comes so suddenly and such birds that fly, dipping and hunting, with their small sad voices are made too delicately for the sea." -the old man and the sea, hemingway

This is the latest in the series. I'll post the other ones when I get better photos. Click on the images to see them bigger.

Portishead - Only You

1 comment:

Drew said...

really digging these new ones... can i has one framed?