Monday, October 19, 2009


So I've been completely ignoring this blog and I've decided that it's time to lose the adolescent MTV look and just strive for simplicity. Here's the redesign. Nothing fancy, functional, hopefully easy to read. I've got some new drawings coming up so something to look forward to.

Seems as if monochromatism is all the rage.

In other news, I've decided to apply to Academy of Art University for my MFA in Game Design. I think the biggest things I struggled with doing EPW was that I felt really limited by 2D. Let's be honest, to be worth anything in this industry, you've gotta have an arsenal of tools. I never would have seen myself doing this, but hey, I feel like I've been given an opportunity to be a part of a really fun industry. I'll be practicing some drawing for preparation so I'll be posting that new stuff as well.

The xx - Islands


Jesuson said...

diggin' on the new redesign mcat. best of luck on the game design program.

Drew said...
