Saturday, April 10, 2010


so i've always really loved yoshitomo nara's work and i've always loved the multiples he's come out with; the flipping clock that drew bought me (one of the best gifts ever), the pup cup, and the ever elusive "too young to die" ash tray. i've been wanting this ashtray for years. i don't even smoke but it's a giant ashtray and perfect for keeping rif-raff in. of course, they were sold out forever and people were selling them on ebay for like $200. i must admit i almost bought one for that ridiculous price once.

however, i was perusing as i usually do to check and see if they've got any cool shit. lo and behold, a re-release of the yoshitomo nara ashtray.

long story short, i bought one a month or so ago for $70 and it's on it's way in may.

so happy!