Friday, February 20, 2009

mah mah mah masta cleanse

being a recent foodie, i've stumbled across a lot of food/nutrition blogs. i love finding out about new grains n' stuff to cook up and although my 'fine dining' experiences are few, i've had some. i fantasize about eating at places like chez panisse every day.
so on a more personal note, i've been reading up a lot on different diets, and diets, not in the sense of: losing weight diets, but more like raw foodists vs. vegetarians vs. omnivore vs. calorie restriction, etc etc the list goes on. so i thought, hey, i've been feeling a bit sluggish lately, i'm insanely dependent on coffee and chocolate, and in the end, it just makes me feel worse at the end of the day. i've heard rave reviews from friends about the master cleanse diet and how it's a great jump off point to start a more 'healthy' diet, so i'm going to do it.
i don't know for how many days yet, we'll see about that. if i can ween myself off of coffee (currently i drink about 2-3 cappuccino's per day) i would be a very very happy camper. so here it goes, tomorrow will be day one.
in preparation, i've had cheesecake and chocolate cake tonight... cuz hey, it's all gonna 'flush' out anyway right?

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