Sunday, March 28, 2010


so after years of not having a television and relying solely on my computer to watch movies and shows, i finally folded and bought myself an lcd tv. i found a pretty good deal on amazon for a 32", 1080p, lg tv for $430 with free shipping. not too bad. drew said he'll be helping me mount it to my wall and hook up all my misc. crap to it. it'll be really nice to finally play my xbox from my bed. not to mention watch movies and actual television.

i've also been perusing around for a good dslr that isn't too pricey. i've realized that i can't really get a decent photo of any of my artwork with a point and shoot. actually, for the past couple of months i've been relying on taking photos with my film lomography cameras. i think it's time to grow up and get something worth shooting with. any suggestions?

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