Thursday, December 17, 2009


hey all,

just wanted to update with some photos of new work for the show that i'm in this coming january. the braid piece is still a work in progress but hopefully many of you will be able to come to the actual show and see the finished works for themselves.

info about the show:
"Intergalactic Space Travels" Curated by Joanie Martinez
Monday, January 11, 2010
7:00pm - 11:00pm
Amsterdam Cafe
937 Geary Street
San Francisco, CA



Mew - Beach

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


A few months ago, I purchased tickets to the knife opera, "tomorrow, in a year" on the off chance that I might make it to stockholm to see it. For a while, it was decided that I wasn't going to go...

But the tickets kept haunting me. They were sitting in my gmail inbox just idling. I tried to sell them on sweden's craigslist but to no avail. I'm sure all those smart, blonde swedes were certain I was a scam artist.

After much back and forth deliberation of whether or not to go, I decided to pull the trigger last night and purchased my round trip ticket to Stockholm via Iceland Air. I have a free flight through Southwest to fly to NYC and from NYC I will be flying to Arlanda (Stockholm's international Airport) with a stop over in Reykjavik, Iceland. Total ticket price: $499.40 incl. taxes and fees. Amazing no? I also booked my lodging at City Backpackers Hostel at $40 usd a night for a 4 person, female only dorm (funny how the homepage says "sex here and now"). I think i'll book the sauna tour they offer. I have no idea what that entails... all i know is that i'm going to be there when it's butt ass cold.

Anyway, here's a link to The Knife Opera press page... chock full of photos and lyrics.

And here are some photos I've pulled from that site for those of you too lazy to click the link.
I will of course, be checking back in after my trip with photos.

signing off with surf solar off of fuck button's new album, Tarot Sport

†mich mich

Fuck Buttons - Surf Solar