every year, like many other girls, i get extremely excited for halloween. i don't know what it is about us girls and dressing up, but at least for me, i see it as an opportunity to create something. this year, i planned on being ziggy stardust. i searched around the internet looking for one of his more doable costumes.

i would have liked to have done the one on the left, but obviously i couldn't tailor my own outfit within a reasonable amount of time and $, and i would have wanted this one perfect. plus i needed to do this outfit on the cheap. instead, i chose a more fitting one and something i could also easily dance in (left).

i started off with an AA gold lamé swimsuit i already had. i wasn't afraid of ruining it cuz i almost never wear it. then i headed over to the fabric outlet in the mission to get two different colored lamé fabrics and some fabric glue.
and for me, the most important thing was make up. i wanted to do the iconic david bowie lightening bolt on the face make up so i headed over to the mac make up counter to get some 'face paint'. if all else failed, people should recognize the lightening bolt on my face as david bowie on the cover of aladdin sane.
basically i just started to cut and paste these flame-like pieces onto the swimsuit. pretty easy, all you needed were a good pair of scissors. for the one sided leg, what i did was literally wrapped the lamé around my leg (kind of like a hot dog bun goes around a hot dog) and pulled the two ends together. i cut holes on each side of the ends down my leg. then took a long strip of that lamé fabric, and basically shoe-stringed the ends together to make a criss cross leg. that way i wouldn't have to sew the leg myself and i also wouldn't have to fit it. the shoe-stringing made the leg fit basically like a glove. i then sewed the top part of the leg to the leg opening of the swimsuit with elastic thread (this way when i moved or put on the costume, the thread would move with the stretchiness of the lamé and won't break). for the arm (not pictured), i just took a piece of the pink fabric and wrapped it around my arm and cut it so that the sleeve belled out a bit at the end. then i fabric glued the ends together and pulled on to my arm.
here's the end result... photo taken w/ xander crews, aka my crazy half-naked bf.
as far far as the make up goes, i first put on foundation, then, using scotch tape, i taped off a lightening bolt on the center of my face. i used the mac paint pot to do the base of the blue, then i dusted a matte electric blue shadow over it. the paint pot ensured that the powder stayed on. then, my favorite part, i peeled off the scotch tape to reveal a crispy lightening bolt. i used a neutral lipstick to line the opposing sides of the lightening bolt, then dusted one side with a bright pink glitter dust, and the other side with a gold shimmery eye shadow.
we went to go see danger and hot chip perform a dj set at the avalon on friday night in our costumes. this was definitely one of the best halloweens i've had.
now what to be next year??? :)